"Life Processes Class X Chapter One Solved Questions and Answers" Part-1


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As a student of Class X, you are now at a crucial stage in your academic journey. Science, in particular, plays a vital role in shaping your understanding of the world around you. One of the most important chapters in Science is "Life Processes" which deals with the fundamental processes that sustain life.

To help you excel in this chapter, we have compiled a comprehensive list of solved questions and answers. These questions are based on the latest CBSE Class X Science syllabus and have been solved by experts in the field. By going through these questions and answers, you will not only be able to understand the concepts better but also be able to identify your areas of weakness.

Our blog also includes detailed explanations for each answer, which will help you to not only understand the concept but also to remember it for a longer period of time.

We hope that this blog will be a valuable resource for you as you prepare for your Class X Science exam. We wish you all the best for your studies and exams!

Q.1. What are the life processes?

Answer: The processes which perform the maintenance job in living things together are called life processes.

Q.2. Write down the balanced photosynthetic equation.

Answer: The balanced equation for photosynthesis is:

6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2. 

Q.3. What are autotrophs?

Answer: Organisms (such as green plants) which carry out autotrophic nutrition are called autotrophs.

Q.4. What are stomata?

Answer: Stomata are tiny pores present on the surface of the leaves.

Q.5. Which nutrient serves as the internal energy reserve of the plant?

Answer: The nutrient that serves as the internal energy reserve of the plant is starch (carbohydrates).

Q.6. List the raw materials used in photosynthesis?

Answer: The raw materials used in photosynthesis are:

  1. Sunlight
  2. Water, H2O
  3. Carbon dioxide, CO2
  4. Chlorophyll
  5. Temperature

Q.7.Name the mode of nutrition in Amoeba.

Answer: The mode of nutrition in Amoeba is Holozoic nutrition.

Q.8. Name the enzyme secreted by Stomach.

Answer: Pepsin and renin.

Q.9. Name the vestigial part of human alimentary canal.

Answer: Vermiform appendix is a vestigial part of the human alimentary canal.

Q.10. Why is nutrition necessary for an organism?

Answer:Nutrition is necessary for an organism because it provides the necessary building blocks and energy required for growth, maintenance, and repair of body tissue. Without proper nutrition, an organism cannot survive or function properly.

Q.11. Name the pigments present in plants which can absorb solar energy.

Answer: Chlorophyll

Read more: "Life Processes Class X Chapter One Solved Questions and Answers" Part-2

Q.12. Name the two stages of photosynthesis.

Answer: The two stages of photosynthesis are-

  1. Light reaction - requires light.
  2. Dark reaction - does not require light.
Q.13. What is the role of acid in our stomach?

Answer: Acid, specifically hydrochloric acid (HCL), plays several important roles in the stomach:

  1. It helps in the digestion of food.
  2. It helps to kill harmful germs and bacteria.
  3. It helps in the activation of enzymes that are necessary for the breakdown of food.
  4. It also plays a role in the absorption of certain nutrients.

Q.14. What is the role of saliva in the digestion of food?

Answer: The saliva contains an enzyme called salivary amylase which breaks down starch (complex molecules) to sugar (simple molecules). Saliva also helps in wetting the food so that it can easily pass through the soft inner lining of the alimentary canal.

Read more: Control and Coordination- Chapter 2, Questions and Answers Part-3

Q.15. State the function of digestive enzymes.

Answer: Digestive enzymes helps in digesting complex food materials into simpler molecules for absorption by the body. During digestion of food, different parts of the alimentary canal produces different digestive enzymes which helps in digestion of different components of food. For example, saliva produces salivary amylase that digests the starch. Stomach contain gastric glands that produces pepsin that helps in protein digestion. Apart from these, other enzymes such as trypsin, chymotrypsin also helps in protein digestion.

Q.16. What is the mode of nutrition found in human beings?

Answer: The mode of nutrition found in human beings is Holozoic nutrition.

Q.17. Where does digestion of fat take place in our body?

Answer: In our body, digestion of fat take place in small intestine.

Q.18. Define compensation point.

Answer: The intensity of light, at which the amount of carbon dioxide used in photosynthesis and the amount of carbon dioxide released during respiration are equal is called the compensation point.

Q.19. State or mention two functions of large intestine.

Answer: Two functions of large intestine are-

  1. It receives the unabsorbed food from the small intestine.
  2. It absorb water from the digested foods.
Q.20. How is the absorptive surface of the small intestine enhanced?

Answer: The inner wall of the small intestine has finger-like projections known as villi. The villi are richly supplied with blood vessels. The villi increase (enhance) the surface of small intestine for absorption.

Q.21.Mention two role of pancreatic enzyme.

Answer: Two role of pancreatic enzymes are-

  1. Trypsin and chymotrypsin helps in protein digestion.
  2. Lipase helps to break down fats.
Q.22. What is the role of (a) tongue and (b) teeth, in digestion?
Answer: (a) Tongue: The tongue plays an important role in manipulating the food during chewing and swallowing. It helps in mixing the saliva thoroughly with the food and moves the food around the mouth while chewing.
(b) Teeth: The teeth help in crushing the food so it can easily pass through the digestive tract.

Q.23. Enumerate any two functions of the gastric HCl.
Answer: Two functions of gastric HCl are-
  1. HCl creates an acidic medium which is necessary for the proper functions of the enzyme, pepsin.
  2. It also softens the food and also disinfects foods by killing germs and bacteria.
Q.24. Amylase is secreted by two different glands. Name them. What is the action of amylase on food?
Answer: Amylase is secreted by two different glands namely, Salivary glands and Pancreas.
Amylase breaks down starch (complex molecules) to sugar (simple molecules).

Q.25. Name any two autotropic plants which also show heterotrophic mode of nutrition.
Answer:  Two autotropic plants which also show heterotrophic mode of nutrition are-
  1. Pitcher plant
  2. Venus fly trap.
Q.26. What are villi? Where are they present? What is their function?
Answer: Villi are  finger-like projections richly supplied with blood vessels.
        They are found in the inner walls of the small intestine.
         They  increase the surface of the small intestine for absorption.

Q.27. Define the term assimilation. What is assimilated food used for?
Answer: Assimilation is the utilization of absorbed food materials.
          Assimilated food is used for the process of growth, reproduction or repair by the living organisms.
Q.28. What are the different types of heterotrophic nutrition, give one example of each kind.
Answer: The different types of heterotrophic nutrition are-
  1. Holozoic nutrition, example - humans.
  2. Saprophytic nutrition, example - decomposers.
  3. Parasitic nutrition, example - tapeworm.
  4. Symbiotic nutrition, example - fungi.
Q.29. Write the functions of (a) Bile and (b) Pancreatic Amylase.
Answer: (a) Bile: Bile juice secreted from the liver helps in converting the acidic food from the stomach to alkaline foods and also acts on fats present in the food. Bile salts break down large fat globules in the intestine to smaller globules thereby increasing the efficiency of enzyme action.
                (b) Pancreatic amylase: Pancreatic amylase breaks down starch (complex molecules) to sugar (simple molecules).

Q.30. Write two functions of stomata.
Answer: Two functions of stomata are-
  1. The stomata on a plant's leaves are responsible for transpiration and the removal of water vapor (excess water).  
  2. It help in the gaseous exchange between the plant and surrounding.
Q.31. State the role of Liver and Pancreas.
Answer: Liver: Liver secrets bile juice which helps in converting the acidic food from the stomach to alkaline foods and also acts on fats present in the food. Bile salts break down large fat globules in the intestine to smaller globules thereby increasing the efficiency of enzyme action.

         Pancreas: The pancreas secrets pancreatic juice which contains protein digesting enzymes such as trypsin and lipase for digesting emulsified fats.

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