Friday, January 12, 2024

How does Velan influence Raju's fate and fortunes?

 Q. How does Velan influence Raju's fate and fortunes?

Velan, a seemingly simple and devout villager in R.K. Narayan's "The Guide," plays a pivotal role in shaping the fate and fortunes of Raju, the protagonist. Velan's influence on Raju is multifaceted and brings about significant consequences in the narrative.

Firstly, Velan is instrumental in Raju's survival in the village when he initially arrives. It is Velan who rescues Raju from the wilderness and brings him to the village, displaying an act of kindness that sets the stage for their relationship. This initial connection establishes Velan as a crucial figure in Raju's life.

Furthermore, Velan's unwavering loyalty and admiration for Raju contribute to the latter's charismatic image in the village. As Raju takes on the role of a spiritual guide, Velan's unquestioning support adds credibility to Raju's authority and mystique. Velan's devotion becomes a tool for Raju to gain influence and acceptance among the villagers.

However, Velan's influence takes a darker turn when he unwittingly becomes a pawn in Raju's deceitful schemes. Raju exploits Velan's trust by involving him in the fabrication of miracles, using the villagers' belief in Velan's honesty to further his own agenda. This manipulation ultimately leads to the tragic downfall of Raju as his web of lies unravels.

In the latter part of the novel, Velan's actions inadvertently contribute to the exposure of Raju's fraudulent practices. Velan's testimony during Raju's trial becomes a key factor in the protagonist's legal troubles, marking a turning point in the narrative. The consequences of Raju's actions catch up with him, and Velan's unwitting role in the events plays a significant part in shaping Raju's fate.

In essence, Velan's influence on Raju ranges from being a source of support and survival to becoming an unwitting accomplice in Raju's downfall. The dynamics of their relationship underscore the complexities of trust, manipulation, and the consequences of one's actions in Narayan's exploration of human nature and morality in "The Guide."

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