Monday, February 20, 2023

Reproduction in Plants and Animals - Questions and Answers | Class-X | Part-3


1. Name the male gamete in humans.
Answer: Spermatozoa or sperm.

2. What is puberty?
Answer: Puberty is the age of human males and females at which the reproductive
organs become functional, gonads start producing gametes and sex hormones,
and the boys and girls become sexually mature.

3. What are the three parts of a sperm?
Answer: The three parts of a sperm are- the head, middle piece and tail.

4. What is implantation?
Answer: The process of movement of the zygote from the fallopian tube down towards the uterus, and
implanted in the lining of the uterus is called implantation.

5. What is parturition?
Answer: The act of giving birth to a baby is known as parturition.

6. Where are the ova produced in woman? 
Answer: The ova are produced in ovaries.

7. What are the oral contraceptives?
Answer: Oral contraceptives, also known as birth control pills, are medications that are taken orally on a daily basis to prevent pregnancy.

8.What is epididymis? What is the function of epididymis?
Answer: Epididymis is a large tubule, compact along the base, side and head of testis.
   In epididymis, maturation of spermatids to functional spermatozoa occurs. It also serves as temporary storage site for the sperms.

9. Why do testes lie outside the abdominal cavity?
Answer: Testes lie outside the abdominal cavity since the production of spermatozoa is feasible at a temperature of 2°C lower than the body temperature.

10. When does puberty occur in human male and female?
Answer: Puberty is attained between the age of 13 to 15 years in boys and between 10 to 14 years in girls.

11. Name any two sexually transmitted diseases.
Answer: Two sexually transmitted diseases are- Syphilis and AIDS.

12. Write the full form of IUCD.
Answer: Intrauterine contraceptive device.

13. Write the full expansion of HIV.
Answer: Human Immunodeficiency Virus.

14. Write the expanded form of AIDS.
Answer: Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome.

15. List two functions performed by ovaries in a human female.
Answer: Two functions performed by ovaries are- 
  1. Ovulation
  2. Hormone production.
16. What is the role of seminal vesicle?
Answer: Seminal vesicle serves as a medium for the transportation of the sperm.

17. Define sexual reproduction.
Answer:  Sexual reproduction is a type of reproduction in which two individuals, typically of different sexes, come together (fusion of male and female gametes) to produce offspring that inherit genetic material from both parents.

18. What are menopause?
Answer: The stoppage of menstruation permanently in the life of a woman is called menopause.

19. Mention secondary sexual characters in human male and female.
Answer: In males, there is slow growth of thick hairs on face (moustaches, beard). Their voice begin to crack and their shoulders become broad. Some other changes are the growth of larynx, enlargement of testes, scrotum and penis, retention of calcium in bones, etc.

 In females, breast size begins to increase. There is darkening of skin of nipples at the tips of breasts. Menarche or beginning of menstruation occurs. Voice become high pitched. Deposition of fat occurs at face, buttocks and thighs.

20. What changes are observed in the uterus if fertilisation does not occur?
Answer: If fertilization does not occur, the hormonal changes that take place during the menstrual cycle cause the uterus to prepare for the shedding of its lining in a process called menstruation.

21. What changes are observed in the uterus subsequent to implantation of young embryo?
Answer: Following the implantation of a young embryo in the uterus, several changes occur to prepare for the growth and development of the foetus. These changes include:
  1. Formation of placenta: After implantation, the cells from the embryo begin to form a structure called the placenta, which attaches to the lining of the uterus. The placenta plays a crucial role in providing the developing embryo with oxygen and nutrients, as well as removing waste products.
  2. Increase in hormone production: The implantation of the embryo triggers the release of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) from the placenta, which helps to maintain the pregnancy. The levels of other hormones such as estrogen and progesterone also increase, helping to thicken the lining of the uterus to support the developing foetus.
  3. Blood vessel growth: As the placenta develops, blood vessels in the uterus grow and expand to supply the developing embryo with oxygen and nutrients.
  4. Cervical mucus changes: Hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause the cervix to produce a thick mucus plug, which helps to protect the developing foetus from infection.

22. What are the benefits of using mechanical barriers during sexual act?
Answer: The benefits of using mechanical barriers during sexual act are-
  1. STI prevention
  2. Pregnancy prevention
  3. Protection against genital herpes and HPV
  4. No hormonal side effects.

23. Name two sexually transmitted diseases each caused due to bacterial infection and viral infection. How can these be prevented?
Answer: Two sexually transmitted diseases  caused due to bacterial infection are gonorrhea and syphilis.
       Two sexually transmitted diseases caused due to viral infection are warts and HIV-AIDS.
        Using of condom helps in preventing the transmission of these
diseases (STDs).

24. (a) In human body what is the role of
 (i) seminal vesicles 
Answer: Seminal vesicle serves as a medium for the transportation of the sperm.
 (ii) prostate gland?
Answer: The main function of prostate gland is to produce and secrete a milky fluid that forms a part of the seminal fluid, which is released during ejaculation.

(b) List two functions performed by testis in human beings.
Answer: The two functions performed by testis in human beings are-
  1. Sperm production
  2. Testosterone hormone secretion.

25. What is fertilization?
Answer: The process of fusion of male gamete (sperm) with a female (egg) to form a zygote is called fertilization.

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