Friday, February 10, 2023

Reproduction in Plants and Animals - Questions and Answers Part-1


Q.1. What is the reason behind the fact that the offspring formed by asexual method of reproduction have greater similarity among themselves?

Answer: The offspring formed by asexual method of reproduction have greater similarity among themselves because asexual reproduction involves only single parent (one parent) and it also does not involve gametes, hence, the variation is less.

Q.2. Name the organism in which asexual reproduction takes place by breaking up of filaments into smaller bits.

Answer: Spirogyra.

Q.3. Write down a feature of reproduction that is common in Amoeba and Leishmania.

Answer: Binary fission.

Q.4. Name the technique used for propagating disease free variety of plant.

Answer: Micropropagation.

Q.5. Name the type of reproduction carried out by Spirogyra.

Answer: Fragmentation.

Q.6. What is the effect of DNA copying which is not perfectly accurate on the reproduction process?

Answer: DNA copying which is not perfectly accurate on the reproduction process leads to variations.

Q.7. What is the information source for making proteins?

Answer: The information source for making proteins is DNA.

Q.8. What do you mean by multiple fission?

Answer: Multiple fission is a type of asexual reproduction in which many daughter cells are produced from a parent cell.

Q.9. Mention any two advantages of vegetative reproduction.

Answer: Two advantages of vegetative reproduction are- 

  1. Plants raised by vegetative propagation can bear flowers and fruits earlier than those produced from seeds.
  2. It is an easier, less expensive and rapid method of propagation.

Q.10. Define micropropagation.

Answer: Micropropagation is a type of asexual reproduction which involves propagation of plants by culturing the cells, tissues and organs.

Read more: Reproduction in Plants and Animals - Questions and Answers Part-2

Q.11. What is reproduction? Mention the importance of DNA copying in reproduction.

Answer: The formation of new young ones of similar type by the grown-up individuals is called reproduction.

       DNA copying is an essential phenomenon of reproduction through which the organisms pass on their body features to their offspring.

Q.12. What is binary fission?

Answer: Binary fission is a type of asexual reproduction in which organisms simply split into two equal halves during cell division.

Q.13. What is regeneration?

Answer: The ability of an organism to give rise to new individual organisms from their body parts is called regeneration.

Q.14. Explain the process of budding in Hydra.

Answer: Hydra use regenerative cells for budding. In Hydra a bulging on the body appears as a result of repeated mitotic divisions at a specific site (generally at lower half). This bulging develops into bud which enlarges in size by further divisions of the cells and attains the shape of parent. When the bud becomes nutritionally independent, it constricts at the base and separates as a new individual.

Q.15. Write a note on vegetative reproduction in Bryophyllum.

Answer: In Bryophyllum, vegetative reproduction occurs through the growth of plantlets from the margins of leaves. These plantlets, also known as adventitious buds, can develop into new plants that are genetically identical to the parent plant. This type of reproduction allows Bryophyllum to rapidly control new areas and spread without the need for seeds.

One of the advantages of vegetative reproduction in Bryophyllum is that it enables the plant to produce offspring that are genetically identical to the parent plant. This means that the new plants will have the same desirable traits, such as disease resistance and optimal growth conditions, as the parent plant.

Q.16. What is vegetative propagation? When is it used? Name three methods of vegetative propagation.

Answer: The formation of a new individual from any vegetative part of the plant body is known as vegetative propagation.

         It is used when the plants cannot produce a viable seeds.

                 The three methods of vegetative propagation are - cutting, grafting and micropropagation.

Q.17. (i) Which are the two main types of reproduction in living organisms?

Answer: The two main types of reproduction in living organisms are- asexual and sexual reproduction.

(ii) Classify the following under these two types :Amoeba, Frog, Earthworm, Yeast.

Answer: Asexual reproduction: Amoeba, yeast.

                Sexual reproduction: frog, earthworm.

Q.18. What are the methods of artificial vegetative propagation in plants?

Answer: The methods of artificial vegetative propagation in plants are - cutting, grafting and micropropagation.

Q.19. "Variation is useful for the survival of species over time." Explain.

Answer: Variation is important for the survival of species over time because it provides the raw material for evolution to work with. Evolution by natural selection acts on the variation within a population, allowing certain traits that are better suited to the environment to become more common over time. This can lead to the development of new species that are better adapted to changing conditions, which in turn increases the chances of survival for those species.

Q.20. What do you mean by tissue culture? Enumerate the various advantages of tissue culture.

Answer: Tissue culture is a type of asexual reproduction which involves propagation of plants by culturing the cells, tissues and organs.

        The various advantages of tissue culture are - 

  1. Tissue culture enables the growth of a large number of disease-free plants within a very short period of time. 
  2. This technique is used for the propagation of disease free orchids, carnation, gladiolus and other ornamental plants.
  3. The plantlets are produced in a very short time with a small amount of plant tissue.
  4. A small space is required to grow plants.
  5. The plants can be grown throughout the year.

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